How to configure the inbound and outbound mail server?

When configuring the mail client, You will be required to enter the addresses of the incoming mail server (IMAP or POP3) and the outgoing mail server (SMTP).
You will also need the addresses of the inbound and outbound mail servers when configuring the application or external service that will use your mailbox.

Address of the incoming/outgoing mail server

If the address of our mailbox is, for example,, then you should enter: in the inbound and outbound mail server address.
We recommend using the IMAP incoming and SMTP outgoing mail server.

Additional mail connection settings

  • IMAP incoming mail server: port 993, encryption: SSL/TLS,
  • POP3 incoming mail server: port 995, encryption: SSL/TLS,
  • SMTP outgoing mail server: port 587, encryption: STARTTLS.

Configure mail clients

Below you will find links to the configuration of individual mail clients:

It is also worth reading article:

  • serwer poczty, mail server, imap, pop3, serwer poczty przychodzącej, serwer poczty wychodzącej, incoming mail server, outgoing mail server
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