What is Extended Support and how do I purchase it?

Our company Thecamels provide additional technical support. It consists in performing activities for the client on hosting, which are described in our guides. This includes, for example, adding a domain, changing DNS records or installing additional software. Additionally, it is possible to configure the so-called Phone support, which allows you to obtain information or help by phone.

Hosting Administration

This service is purchased for a year in advance and allows you to benefit from the following assistance:

The service can be purchased from the Client Area in Details of the hosting service. In section Additional Services choose Hosting Administration and go trough buying process.

Phone Support

When you buy Administration hosting you also get Phone Support service. It can help you with:

  • Gain information about your account, services and payments,
  • To be supported in the operation of services and their verification,
  • Ask us to make a ticket with a specific case if the client is unable to do so.

The phone Support needs to be configured by notification in Client Area with following informations:

  • Name and telephone number of the person authorised to contact
  • A completed phone password in the account profile, which is used to verify the caller.

How to set a phone password?

  1. Login to Client Area.
  2. Click on "Account" in the side menu to expand and then click "Your Profile".
    Hosting Administration - step 1
  3. On the new page, scroll down to get to the field described as Telephone password, in which you enter a string of alphanumeric characters that are your phone password.
    Hosting Administration - step 2
  4. Click "Save changes"
  • administracja hostingiem, wsparcie telefoniczne, hasło telefoniczne, administracja, hosting, wsparcie, support
  • 10 Users Found This Useful
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