EV SSL ordering process

After receiving and installing the certificate on the domain, a padlock, company name and country of origin will be visible on the left side of the address bar. It is also information for the visitor that the entity has undergone a detailed validation and is not impersonated by anyone else.

About EV SSL Certificate

EV SSL certificate (Extended Validation Certificates) is a special type of SSL certificate. When ordering, the applicant is checked more closely. Before ordering a certificate, it is worth checking if your company has a profile in one of the following company databases:

An entry in one of the databases is the basis for checking the credibility of the company, therefore the address data, NIN and most importantly - the phone number must be correct! The certification center will check it thoroughly and will contact the owner or the person responsible for IT in the company by phone (using phone number visible in that database).

If you already have a working profile, you can go to ordering a certificate. After paying, you will receive a few documents from us, which should be downloaded, filled in, signed, scanned and sent back to us. Here are some of them:

In exceptional circumstances, the team responsible for checking completed forms may require additional information. This is usually a bank account number, a copy of the company's registration data or an opinion-forming letter.

Description of persons in documents:

  • Contract Signer - is you, the person/company that orders the certificate from the certification organization,
  • Certificate Approver - a company owner or person who can sign a contract for an EV certificate,
  • Certificate Requester - representative of the certifying organization, verifies that Certificate Requester is authorized to order an EV SSL certificate for the company.

If the telephone verification is successful and the documentation sent is complete and correct, the organization will forward the relevant certificates to our company.

  • ev ssl, ssl, certyfikat ssl, certyfikaty rozszerzonej walidacji, certyfikat ev
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