How to share calendar?

The calendar's interface allows you to share it with other users so that others can see a person's schedule. The sharing feature allows for easier organization of work in teams at work, but also in family life.

How to share calendar to other user

  1. Login to the webmail and select the Horde interface.
  2. Click on "Calendar"
  3. Click on "My Calendars" to display the list, then click on the "Pencil" icon to edit.

    How to share calendar - step 1
  4. In the window that appears, click on "Sharing" and select one of the options:

    How to share calendar - step 2
    • Don't share this calendar - default option
    • Share with everyone (public) - each user in the domain can add a calendar
      Note: this option has an additional check (the default is "make searchable by all") to make sure it is visible in searches or not.
    • Share with the users - in the text field below we provide a list of e-mails separated by commas,
      Under the field for providing e-mail addresses, there is also an option "and allow them  to", which select permissions to be granted to other users for which calendar is shared.
  5. Click "Save" to save the change.

Configuring calendar on MacOS

  1. Launch the Calendar application
  2. Select "Add account" from the main menu
  3. From the new window, click on "Another CalDAV account..."
  4. In the window "Add account (CalDAV)" and fill in the appropriate fields:
    • Account type: Select Advanced from the drop-down menu,
    • User: full email address of account, where the calendar is located,
    • Password: Password for given user,
      Note: below options will appear after changing the account type, to advanced.
    • Server address: let's give the domain of the e-mail address (that's the part to the right of the @ character),
    • Server path: provide /rpc/principals/
      instead of provide same mail address as in User field
    • Port: 2080 and checked "Use SSL" option
  • kalendarz, calendar, share, udostępnienie
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