Please note that usernames u00000 and u00000-sub1 are examples only. Please replace them with the username of your Storage Box or the username of your sub-account.
Main account
Username: u00000
Port: 21
Sub Account
Username: u00000-sub1
Port: 21
You can access your Storage Box by using FTP. Please use your assigned hostname <username>
, username, and password. Please note that an FTP connection is unencrypted; only FTPS (FTP+TLS) is encrypted.
If you also plan on using a sub-account on your Storage Box, please make sure to also use the sub-account username for connection.
Example applications:
- FileZilla
- ftp
- ncftp
- lftp
SFTP / SCP / rsync
Main account
Username: u00000
Port: 22
or 23
Sub Account
Username: u00000-sub1
Port: 22
or 23
The connection over this protocol is fully encrypted. You need to create a public key and a private key. Then add the public key to a new Storage Box space in the .ssh
directory with permission 0700 (rwx------)
and in the authorized_keys
file with permission 0600 (rw-------)
Here is an example of how this can be done:
server> echo -e "mkdir .ssh \n chmod 700 .ssh \n put storagebox_authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys \n chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys" | sftp <username>@<username>'s password:
Connected to'.
sftp> mkdir .ssh
sftp> chmod 700 .ssh
Changing mode on /.ssh
sftp> put storagebox_authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys
Uploading storagebox_authorized_keys to /.ssh/authorized_keys
storagebox_authorized_keys 100% 2916 2.0MB/s 00:00
sftp> chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Changing mode on /.ssh/authorized_keys
To start a SFTP session, please execute the following command:
sftp -P 23 <username>@<username>
For example, to synchronize a local directory to the storage box, you can use rsync as follows:
rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23' --recursive <local_directory> <username>@<username><target_directory>
To re-download a directory from the storage box, you only need to swap the directories:
rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23' --recursive <username>@<username><remote_directory> <local_directory>
To upload a file via SCP, you can execute the following command:
scp -P 23 <local_file> <username>@<username><remote_file>
To download the file again, you only have to swap the target and source files:
scp -P 23 <username>@<username><remote_file> <local_file>
Main account
Addresse: //
Username: u00000
Port: 445
Sub Account
Addresse: //
Username: u00000-sub1
Port: 445
Add the following line in the /etc/fstab file:
//<username> /mnt/backup-server cifs iocharset=utf8,rw,credentials=/etc/backup-credentials.txt,uid=<system account>,gid=<system group>,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770 0 0
The file /etc/backup-credentials.txt
(mode 0600) should contain two lines as follows:
It is worth checking if cifs support is installed on your system. If not, you should add it first. To mount the file system, use the following command:
mount.cifs -o user=<username>,pass=<password> //<username> /PATH/FOLDER
Main account
Username: u00000
Port: 443
Sub Account
Username: u00000-sub1
Port: 443
To create a link to the WebDAV directory, use the following command:
mount -t davfs https://<username> /MOUNTPOINT
By adding the following line to /etc/fstab, your system will automatically mount the file system at boot. (Jest to pojedyncza linia!):
https://<username> /MOUNTPOINT davfs rw,uid=<system_user>,gid=<system_group>,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770 0 0
To automatically mount the WebDAV directory, enter the following line in the file /etc/davfs2/secrets:
https://<username> <username> <password>
You should also check if your system has davfs support. If not, you have to install it.