Known maintenance windows of our partners

As we cooperate with many companies and institutions, that got designated service windows, some of functionality that we offer may not work correctly, or be less responsive during those times (for example those related to the registration and renewal of domains). Information about any work that falls outside theirs service window is placed in the annoncments in client area.


The registrar of Polish domains NASK, performs service works in one of the mentioned windows:

  • Mondays 00:00 - 4:00 AM CEST,
  • Wednesdays 4:00 - 7:00 AM CEST


EURid's European Domain Registrar, perform system maintenance work in the following service window:

  • Wednesdays 6:00 - 9:00 AM CEST
  • prace serwisowe, maintenance, przerwa techniczna
  • 9 Users Found This Useful
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